关于 WordPress

关于 WordPress

Your donation ensures the continuing delivery of a broad range of exceptional services to many people, while also identifying and addressing new and emerging needs.

关于 WordPress

Northside relies on and appreciates the generous support of the community to help our teams support people in need. Your donation ensures the continuing delivery of a broad range of exceptional services to many people, while also identifying and addressing new and emerging needs.

We cannot do all this alone. Donations support existing programs, improve infrastructure and resources to benefit service users and the broader community, or to developing new and improved programs to meet service gaps. We also happily accept donations of in-kind support. If you or your business would like to donate resources or services please contact us on 6257 2255 to discuss options.

Donations of more than $2.00 are tax-deductible. Financial donations of over $100 are recognised in the Northside Community Service annual report. Donations of over $250 are recognised in the Northside Community Service annual report and on the website.
