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早期教育: 所有的皮草爱

周六, 26 March, 2022
从 10.00 是 – 1.00 教育计划和购物之旅——所有这些都是为了提高个人的独立性和对社区的参与

早期教育: 公园里的免费狗狗派对过去

It’s that special day of the month when we celebrate our best friends and take them to the park to run, 玩, bark, sniff and wag!
PAWS Party happens on the last Saturday of every month and is a free event for all ages to enjoy.
All the fur-miliar activities will be on:

? 狗敏捷设备
☕️ 美味的咖啡和糕点
? 现场音乐

Come with your freshly groomed, well-brushed pup, and who knows, maybe they’ll meet their significant woofer ❤️

本次活动得到城市更新局的支持, 可用更新 (宠物协助和福利服务) 在北区社区服务, 堪培拉大学,由狄俄尼索斯制作.


克林顿·比尔 0450 162 578, clinton.beale@northside.asn.au
