In-home services
This support program includes domestic assistance and social support including opportunities to attend outings and excursions.
Many older individuals start using aged care services when they need a bit of support. This can include, but is not limited to, cleaning, help with showering, or basic home maintenance such as changing light bulbs and installing handrails. Services could also include help with shopping and meal preparation or attending excursions with a social group.
Services provided may include:
- Domestic Assistance
- Personal Care
- Social Support for individuals
- Social Groups
- Community Transport
- Assistance with Care and Housing
Clients of this service are asked to pay a small contribution to the cost of their care as outlined in our fees schedule.
Home Support and Transport
Northside’s Home Support and Transport team is funded under the joint Commonwealth Home Support Program. We provide a wide range of services to older community members and people under the age of 65 who need some practical support for a short period of time. These services are designed and delivered to support people to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle while living in their own homes and to remain active citizens in their community of choice.
Did you know that all of Northside’s In Home Support, Transport and Social Inclusion services can be delivered as part of the following home care packages, including:
- Self-Funded Care
- The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
- Home Care Package (HCP)
- Community Assistance and Temporary Supports Program (CATS)
Your next step could be as simple as calling the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 or visiting the government website www.myagedcare.gov.au
My Aged Care provides you with information about:
- the different types of aged care services
- your eligibility for services
- allows you to choose your provider of choice
- help you find local services to meet your needs
- the cost of your aged care services, including fee estimators
Not sure if you are eligible for package services?
Northside can help you access the information you need.
Call our Care Coordinators on 6171 8088 for a friendly chat about possible next steps
Domestic Assistance
Every client is provided with an individually tailored support plan. This means support is assessed and planned to meet the needs and goals of the individual. Each plan focuses on teaching and supporting the individual to take on unfamiliar tasks, or to resume the household tasks they are currently not able to undertake themselves, utilising their strengths, capabilities and priorities.
Personal Care
Personal care services are delivered to assist people to maintain independence in their daily life, including:
- personal hygiene and grooming,
- assistance with dressing and undressing and stand-by showering and bathing
- meal preparation and medication prompting
Personal care services are carefully tailored to focus on filling the gaps to perform day-to-day functions.
Unassisted Shopping Services
Our team members are able to provide unaccompanied shopping for people who are finding it difficult to get to the shops.
Fees for services
Fees are subject to capping and can be negotiated for clients who are financially disadvantaged. Before commencing services, individuals will meet a member of our Intake and Assessment team to discuss their eligibility.
Download Home Care Pricing Schedule